Human Resources Management Certificate
CAME - HRMC English

Introduction to Human Resources Management Certificate

The first applied professional certificate in human resource management and the most famous in the Arab world, which was obtained by thousands of young people and human resources managers of major international companies, government agencies and non-profit organizations
Which enabled them to upgrade and develop their career and provide them with all scientific and applied methods to prepare an integrated project steps for each trainee separately to build a modern human resources management integrated.

Human Resurces Management Certificate
CAME - HRMC English

"The First Certificate in Human Resources Management in the Arab World"

1- The concept of accredited professional certificates

The approved professional certificate is a system designed and implemented by a group of academic experts, consultants, and professional experts working in the field of human resources management. It aims to identify and ensure that the holder of this certificate has the optimal level of skills, knowledge, formal and informal education, training experiences, and job experience necessary to work efficiently. in the field of human resource management,It is accredited by the Faculty of Commerce - Cairo University and the Faculty of Commerce, Ain Shams University, and was prepared in order to meet the needs of gentlemen who wish to obtain documentation of their professional experience in the field of human resources from specialized scientific bodies with credibility, experience and international reputation such as the Faculty of Commerce at Cairo University and the Faculty of Commerce at the University Ain Shams, and these certificates are presented to the public of customers, including individuals, companies, government agencies, ministries, and non-governmental agencies in Egypt and all over the Arab countries.

2- Accreditation certificate

The American Human Resources Institute (SHRM), Virginia, United States

The American Institute of Human Resources (SHRM) is a world-leading organization in developing rigorous examinations to demonstrate mastery and application of contemporary thought, modern practices, policies and principles for managing human resources in the world. The following global certifications are offered (PHR ®) (SPHR ®) (GPHR ®) (PHR-CA ® SPHR ®-CA) Professional (HRMP) HRBP More than 130,000 HR professionals in 100 countries proudly maintain HR Institute credentials Humanity is a certificate as a distinguishing professional mark

Ain Shams University - Faculty of Commerce Center for Commercial and Statistical Studies and Research - BRSC

Ain Shams University is the third oldest Egyptian university. The university includes 15 faculties and two higher institutes. It also includes more than 180,000 male and female students, 5,000 faculty members and 4,000 assistant members. And more than 100 centers and units of a special nature. Ain Shams University is the third Arab university in Egypt. It was established in July 1950 under the city of Cairo.

The Center for Commercial and Statistical Research and Studies (BSRC) is a research unit of a special nature affiliated with the Faculty of Commerce, Ain Shams University. It works to effectively contribute to contributing to administrative development processes, raising the efficiency of economic units, and bringing about comprehensive development of human resources in order to raise the effectiveness and efficiency of business organizations, whether public or private, in all Arab countries. ..

The BSRC Center at the Faculty of Commerce, Ain Shams University, accredits the professional certificates presented by the Kim Center to the public, in accordance with the standards of scientific and academic supervision of the contents, training curricula, lecturers, follow-up on the implementation of programs, and to ensure the validity of test results and participants’ attendance rates..

3- provided by

CAME Human Resources Management Unit.


This unit is belonging to CAME Center and its considered as the first Arab scientific professional society which specializes in the field of Human resources management includes a group of elite professionals and experts of human resource management in major Arab and international universities, according to the latest trends used in the world

4- Benefits of obtaining accredited professional certifications

at the company level

  • Professional certificates have become a well-known and universally applied means of indication and judgment at the level of the individual skillfully, scientifically and professionally in the labor market, especially when making selection, appointment, promotion and career development decisions.
  • It has also become one of the most important tools and methods of continuous learning and training that guarantee companies the continuity of updating knowledge, skills and experience for all their employees and to eliminate knowledge obsolescence and professional obsolescence .
  • Professional certifications increase productivity and improve performance at the individual and organizational level .

at the individual level

  • Obtaining documentation from an international accredited scientific authority for knowledge, skills and professional experience is one of the most important personal goals for all managers, supervisors and employees to feel a sense of achievement, distinction and superiority on the individual level and for career development .
  • Winning promotions, moving to a higher managerial level, and increasing wages and bonuses .
  • The ability to perform better by acquiring modern tools, skills and methods to perform the profession .

The positive effects of obtaining accredited professional certificates

  • Winning promotions, moving to a higher managerial level, and increasing wages and bonuses .
  • The ability to perform better by acquiring modern tools, skills and methods to perform the profession.
  • Creating distinct job opportunities with large salaries, as the recipient of these programs obtains a large experience equivalent to five years of work.
  • Changing negative attitudes and concepts towards career development .
  • Preparing an integrated project to establish and implement new systems in your company .

5- Directed to

Gentlemen, managers, supervisors, and employees of the Human Resources Department, managers, supervisors, and employees of the Personnel Department and Personnel Affairs, heads of departments of Personnel Management and Personnel Affairs, all candidates for the post of Human Resources Manager, and all gentlemen who are interested and interested in learning about modern methods and trends of human resources.

6- The contents of the certificate


  • After finishing this certificate you will get the knowledge , the methodology and the practical experience of formulating , designing and implementation of the following items :.

HRM's new Roles in the 21st Century.

1 - Formulation and implementation of the company's vision & strategy and the HRM Strategy

  • formulating company's vision , mission , values , long range, middle and short range objectives , S.W.O.T analysis and strategic alternatives analysis.
  • HRM Strategy implementation ..

2- Designing and drawing of the organizational structure

  • traditional hierarchy structure and team work organizational structure.

3- job analysis and job description

  • Job analysis :
    • Designing a job analysis questioner for Collecting information on jobs and the qualifications of the right person to doing this job ( job specification )
  • Job description :
    • formulation The traditional job description sheets and the modern job description ( key results job description )

4- Human resources planning

  • Making the human resources plan :
    • Determining the supply and the demand of human resources in the future and choose the right decision to overcoming the human resources gap or surplus

5-Recurting , selecting , placement , orientation :

  • Designing of the recruiting integrated system whish is consists of :
    • Human Resources recruiting plan
    • Designing of the recruiting advertisement
    • Interviewing skills
    • Placement system
    • Designing of the Orientation and socialization programs for new employees

6- Learning and Training

  • Training needs assessment ( performance gap ).
  • Designing of the performance based training programs ( P.B.T) .
  • Designing of training results evaluation program.

7 – Performance Appraisal

  • Designing of the 360 performance appraisal system & Management
  • 7- Certificates obtained by the trainee

    The trainee obtains 2 certificates for completing the Kim Certificate in Human Resources Management, as follows :

    • 1- Certificate in HRM, accredited by Faculty of Commerce, AIN SHAMS University
    • 2 - CAME Certificate in HRM, accredited by SHRM

    10- Duration of the certificate at the center's headquarters

    15 training hours over 5 training days

  • 3 training hours per day
  • Using ZOOM
  • رسم الاشتراك

    يشمل رسم الاشتراك الأتى
    • 1- حضور البرنامج التدريبي أون لاين بث حي.
    • 2- نسخة من المادة التدريبية ملف PDF.
    • 3- نسخة من الحالات العملية ملفات PDF.
    • 4- نسخة من الحالات العملية Forms.
    • 5- الاشراف على مشروع التخرج النهائي لكل مشترك.
    • 6- الاختبار العملي التحريري للحصول على الشهادة.
    • 7- يحصل المتدرب على عدد 2 شهادة لإتمام الشهادة المهنية المعتمدة كالتالى:
      • أ - شهادة معتمدة من مركز الخبرات الإدارية والمحاسبية كيم باجتياز الشهادة المهنية المعتمدة موقعة من رئيس مجلس إدارة مركز الخبرات الإدارية والمحاسبية
      • شهادة من مركز كيم معتمدة من الجمعية الامريكية SHRM

    مكان التنفيذ

    بث حي مباشر أون لاين و يمكنك الإستمتاع بحضور البرنامج التدريبى فى أى مكان فى العالم تقوم أنت باختياره (مثل المنزل أو الحديقة أو العمل أو على الكافيه أو فى السيارة..الخ سواء داخل البلد او خارجها) بالإضافة الى حرية التنقل أثناء تنفيذ البرنامج سواء كان ذلك باستخدام الموبايل أو جهاز الكمبيوتر المحمول أول التابلت أو الأيباد أو أى جهاز اتصال بالانترنت.

    تاريخ التنفيذ

    تاريخ تنفيذ البرنامج يتم وفقاً لطلب العميل حيث ان لدينا جداول مرنة تناسب جميع احتياجات العملاء.
    ونعمل على مراعاة وقت وظروف المتدرب (جداول تنفيذ مرنة) Flexibility schedule بحيث يقوم المتدرب بتحديد الأيام وتوقيتات التنفيذ المناسبة لظروفه وتوقيتاته الشخصية.

    Implementation of the certificate as a contractual program for a group of one party:

    This certificate can be implemented as a contractual program for a group of trainees from the same company in any Arab country for the purpose of unifying the training message and sharing knowledge and skills between a group of employees, managers and workers from the organization brought together by a department or a group of department heads from several different departments in the organization or a group of managers in departments different companies, or a group of managers from different companies united by one holding company, or a group of sectors in an organization, authority, ministry, or entity, whether it is a government, private sector, or non-profit entity

    للتسجيل والاشتراك في الشهادات المهنية المعتمدة

    نشكرك على ثقتك الغالية التى نعتز بها فى بداية تعاون مثمر و بناء إن شاء الله, ويمكنك الإشتراك والتسجيل كالآتي:

    تـأكـيد الاشتراك :

    يتم تأكيد الاشتراك بعد سداد رسوم الشهادة سواء نقدا أو بشيك أو بالتحويل البنكي.

    كيفية التسجيل والاشتراك:

    يمكنك الاشتراك والتسجيل فى الشهادة المفضلة لك وذلك بإحدى الطرق التالية :

    أولا : عن طريق التليفون

    جمهورية مصر العربية
    محمول: +20100-5289720 - +20100-3223554
    هاتف: +202-24157022

    ثانيا : عن طريق الفاكس

    إرسل إلينا فاكس على رقم: +202-24157022
    عناية السيد مدير التدريب / به أسماء السادة المرشحين ووظائفهم وذكر اسم الشهادة وموعد التنفيذ المطلوب .

    ثالثا : عن طريق البريد الإلكترونى

    رابعا : التسجيل الفورى من خلال الموقع :

    إنتظر لظهور القائمة

    ويسعدنا تلقى استفساراتكم وترشيحاتكم :

    مركز الخبرات الإدارية والمحاسبية
    14 شارع النجاح متفرع من شارع العروبة - النزهة - ميدان تريومف
    مصر الجديدة - القاهرة - جمهورية مصر العربية